The Foundation that Impacts All Aspects of a Company.

Your Brand is the Most Important Asset of Your Business, After Your Product/Service.

What is a


A brand is not just a logo; it's a feeling within each customer. While it's not possible to directly design a brand, you can influence and shape customers' perceptions by ensuring consistency across all interactions. By maintaining consistency across every touchpoint, you can help create a strong brand presence in their minds.

What is

Brand Strategy

The brand strategy is the foundation of every company, systematically developing a plan to influence the perception of their customers. This foundation is essential and impacts all aspects of a company.



It's essential to maintain consistency across all touchpoints, from customer service to marketing communications, ensuring that every interaction reinforces your brand's identity and message. Misconceptions often arise when businesses equate their brand solely with visual elements or catchy slogans, overlooking the deeper essence of brand identity.


By staying true to your core values and presenting a unified brand image, you can cultivate trust and loyalty among your audience. Building an authentic brand that resonates with customers requires a commitment to consistency and transparency, ultimately driving long-term success.

A Brand Is a Feeling Within Each Customer.


Everything is built upon it.

Brand strategy affects every element of a company's operations, ensuring coherence, consistency, and resonance across all touchpoints.
Guided to ensure messaging and offers resonate with target audiences, driving engagement and conversion.
Logos, websites, and packaging are carefully crafted to reflect the brand's identity and resonate with its target audience.
Customer Service Attitude and protocols are shaped by the brand's promise, delivering consistent experiences that reinforce brand loyalty.
Social Media
Posts and engagement are guided with content tailored to reflect the brand's personality and engage followers authentically.
Orchestrated to create engaging experiences that deepen customer connections and reinforce brand positioning.

Brand Strategy Provides Crucial Clarity and Guidance as They Navigate Their Competitive Markets.


Brand Strategy Building Blocks

The four building blocks of brand strategy – Brand Core, Brand Target, Brand Personality, and Brand Identity – are essential pillars for constructing a resilient and compelling brand narrative.


While these strategic elements lay the groundwork for brand development, it's the final block, Brand Identity, that bridges strategy with design, encapsulating the visual representation of the brand's essence and values.

We start every brand strategy workshop with our presentation "The Bigger Picture" to provide context for the importance of each block and its existence.











The Brand Core is the driving force and the reason why your company exists! Clarifying this inner motivation will rally employees and customers behind your cause.

The Brand Target represents your target audience. It’s the group most relevant to you, and you need to know everything about them. The more you learn about them, the better you can target and communicate with them.

The Brand Personality exemplifies the character of your brand. It's the experience customers will have with you that subconsciously attracts them because it connects to their hearts.

  • +  Purpose / Mission Statement

    Employees, as well as customers, need to feel inspired to rally behind your cause. The right purpose will unite your team and foster a deeper connection with your audience.

  • +  Onliness Statement

    Clarifies how your business distinguishes itself from competitors. If there is none, it is necessary to innovate one.

  • +  Vision Statement

    Supports strategic planning to set priorities, allocate resources, and ensure that everyone is working towards common goals and objectives.

  • +  Core Values

    Core values are principles that will guide your actions. Over time, they will become a part of the brand. Customers feel connected to a brand with the same values.

  • +  Brand Statement

    A summary that quickly communicates what you do, how you do it, and what makes your approach unique. It is also the foundation of all marketing actions and provides guidance for design and copywriting.

  • +  Persona

    Uncover the details about their lives, the challenges they face, and needs they have. Connect with them on a personal level through these emotions.

  • +  Value-Based Messaging

    Leading with value cuts through the “noise”, activates emotions, and opens an audience’s hearts and ears to the message.

  • +  StoryBrand

    Storytelling captures an audience's attention, structures collateral material, and simplifies your message. You should make it easy to repeat over and over, so your brand sets in your customers’ minds.

  • +  Content Creation

    Creating a large number of topics for social media posts to choose from, that will support your brand and facilitate engagement.

  • +  Brand Archetype

    The right archetypes represent your brand personality, match your target audience's type to build a connection and stand out from your competitors.

  • +  Voice

    The tonality is the way you communicate with your audience. It needs to be consistent across all touch points. Furthermore, it is the most important element to guide copywriters.

  • +  Tagline

    Defines what you want your audience to remember you for. The easier to remember, the easier it is to claim a certain position in your customer’s minds.

  • +  Design Check

    The Design needs to be well aligned to complement the brand core and personality of the company, capturing a first direction in which the design needs to go.

  • +  Positioning Map

    Positioning happens in the minds of the customers. Together we find gaps that you can fill and claim for yourself, so you stand out from your competitors.

  • +  Awareness Goals

    Looking closely at tactics you are already practicing. Prioritizing the ones that bring you the biggest impact and adjusting the ones that need adjusting.

  • +  Customer Journey

    This important strategic approach helps to better understand customer expectations and is crucial for identifying gaps and optimizing the customer experience across each touch point.




Strategic Blueprint:

for Your Success


This is a Collaborative Process!

Our services are designed for leaders and world changers who run small and mid-sized businesses and need help building an engaging brand.


EDISON offers a proven and comprehensive brand strategy workshop, primarily conducted remotely, that brings clarity and valuable insight to uncover your brand's true essence. With stakeholders engaged in a collaborative and educational environment, you'll gain a deeper understanding of your brand's personality and values.


We believe in transparency and accountability, which is why we openly share our detailed process with you here. We want you to be fully confident that you've partnered with the best team to achieve your brand's success.


Ultimately, our goal is to help your brand stand out and make a meaningful impact in the world by defining its purpose and unique qualities.

Ready to Enhance Your Brand? Let's Collaborate and Elevate Your Presence Together.

Session 1

+  Introduction Presentation & Agenda

+  Clarifying and forming your BRAND CORE

Session 2

+  Defining your BRAND TARGET Audience

Session 3

+  Determining your BRAND PERSONALITY


Brand Strategy Workshop

Brand Implementation Plan


We refine the workshop findings and leverage these insights to build a comprehensive summary document and a strategic action plan ready for you to implement and scale.


Targeting the Subconscious

95% of decisions are made subconsciously. The most effective way to target consumers is to target their subconscious mind.


Generally speaking, emotions control the majority of purchase behavior. Knowing this is of great importance for marketing, sales, and branding. It delivers an advantage when targeting customers.


When thinking of marketing campaigns, it is obvious that humans are driven by feelings.


Luxury brands target our self-worth, acceptance, and status in society. Cell phone companies remind us how important it is to stay connected to our friends, families, and frankly to the rest of the world. Sports brands motivate us to tap into our full potential, by presenting us great adventure and glory we can achieve. Perfume and lingerie brands target everything that has to do with relationships and sexual desire.


These companies are transmitting emotions and/or a form of transformation to consumers.

Therefore, when emotions are aroused, consumers feel the need to use their products or services.


“Don't sell the steak, sell the sizzle”, as sales people used to say in the 1930s.

Targeting consumers needs to affect all their senses. Think about the shape and colors of your logo. How does it make your customer feel? What do they experience when they are in your store or talk to your employees? These face-to-face interactions will trigger a certain feeling inside, which the customer will start to associate with your company, product, or service.


One could think this is bad because it manipulates consumers, but actually it is not. It is quite the opposite. It helps consumers to satisfy their needs.


A lot of what is driving consumers is subconscious behavior. You can like it or not, but every desire always carries an emotional component.


A carefully crafted brand strategy aims exactly for that, to be more effective.

Source: Inc.

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